I sat and starred at the white foam taking various forms at the top of my beer, I wasn’t paying attention anymore, my mind had wondered off. It was early for a Friday and I was already tired and the beer wasn’t going to stay cold for much longer, soon my mind would be forced to the edge of the plank and my back would feel the sudden sharp prang of an ugly sword, subtly persuading me to jump, change subjects from white foam to something much more dangerous, myself. What was it about being distracted that was so beautiful?
Standing on the shoulders of time, an infinite skyline appeared. The bright lights of my achievements caste heavy shadows onto the avenues of my youth. The small side streets were littered with insignifcant pot holes and broken gravel. Years of thoughts and feelings tiled the rooftops of houses and painted the thick, course stucco of buildings that hadn’t faced the redemption of age. The once rounded corners of my mistakes somehow looked more harsh, squared, my memory had deceived me.
All around was a life, my life.
Memories good and bad.
Strangers and lovers.
Days, nights.
Smells, tastes, sounds.
Every aspect vivid, vying for my attention, my eyes could not focus. Focusing was risky but soon, I wouldn’t have a choice. What would I have to look at? What would I have to feel? It had been such a long time since I had dug into myself; dug into my past, felt, in any stretch of my imagination, I couldn’t find it possible tonight. Suddenly it seemed late for Friday and I felt all too awake.
My stomach twisted into heavy sailor knots, anchored in tension as my eyes began to narrow on a particular season of spring it was much different those that had come before it. Autumn had given its perfect yield of heartache and sorrow, leading the soils into a perfect confection of sandy tension and pensive clay. Winter blanketed the ground with innocent icy layers of truth. As the days walked away from winter and into the premature stages of spring, the ice melted and slowly trickled, penetrating down. Spring began with its shoulders back and it’s head up, alive.
This solid ground set the path of your secure steps walking into my life.
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